Reflecting Round 1 of #75HARD

  • down 22 pounds
  • almost 5% body fat
  • almost 3% lean muscle mass

Physically I feel like a completely different person! I am healthy! I have more energy! I have more focus! I have more drive!

But, what a lot of you may not realize is this is a #MentalToughness challenge not a physical transformation challenge.

The Mental Transformation that I have gone through during these past 75 days is hard to put into words.

When I first heard about 75 Hard I wanted to do it! I understood how it could have a positive impact on my life. The problem was I talked myself out of it for 8 months!

I made every excuse in the book as to why I couldn’t do it or why I didn’t need to do it…

Then I finally pulled the trigger and said I’m in! Not halfway, not just on days I feel good, I am 100% in for the next 75 days!

Thad dozens of outdoor workouts in the dark, at midnight, in below freezing weather. I had dozens of early, early workouts. Had events and parties with friends where I had to bring my own healthy food and couldn’t drink. I had to roll out of bed late at night several times because I realized I forgot to take my progress picture or read my book.

I have learned so much in this short 75 days that I don’t even know where to start…

This program teaches you about time management. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail! I had to overcome failure to plan on several days and the pain of picking up the pieces taught me that it is so much easier to just plan it ahead of time.

I have learned that I use excuses every single day! I make excuses for everything! I get into my own head and talk myself out of doing things that I want to do because my mind tricks me into settling. Not any more! #NeverSettle

This #75Hard program has given me the strength and confidence that now I don’t make excuses… I don’t negotiate with myself…

I have trained my mind to be aware when I’m getting ready to make an excuse or negotiate with myself on a commitment that I made.

I call these pivot points. Every time that I catch myself getting ready to make an excuse or not stay committed I IMMEDIATELY flip a switch in my brain and do whatever it is I was trying to get out of. I do it right then and there. I dont negotiate with myself on my goals or my commitments. They are my goals, they are my commitments and I owe it to myself to complete them!

For example, if I dont want to get up early to work out that immediately triggers me to jump out of bed and work out. Or if I dont want to make the phone calls, send the emails, review the paperwork or whatever it is at work. Instead of talking myself out of it and settling I now use that as a pivot point and instantly do whatever it is without hesitation!

To me the pivot point has been huge! No more excuses!

The biggest thing that #75Hard has taught me is that I CAN DO ANYTHING!!!

That’s right ANYTHING!

I am a big believer that everything in life starts with mindset. #75Hard will challenge you in ways you never thought possible. But when you push through the adversity and prove to yourself you can do it then it becomes addictive! You just want more of it! This has shown me that I have been thinking way too small! Playing way too small! It is time to level up my life!

Anything is possible!

If you do this program you can feel the same way too! Everything in life starts with mindset! If you can complete this challenge you will train yourself that when you set a goal you not only accomplish it but you exceed it! You will train yourself to look for pivot points and instantly go into action. You will train yourself to quit negotiating with yourself. Once you build that confidence and prove to yourself that you can push through the tough times and get that feeling of accomplishment when you do it it will become addicting and you will just want more!

Because of this program I am a better person, a better father, a better spouse and a better leader!

Not only am I feeling and doing better in life but the people around me are also reaping the benefits because I am now my best self!

My mentor Andy Frisella said that #75Hard was going to change the world! I’m here to tell you he was right! This program has changed my life and because of that it will now change the lives of so many others that I am connected with!

Thank You Andy from the bottom of my heart! needed this!

– Matt Smith