Imagine a potential homebuyer enters your office, ready to buy a home…

You see them and think – ok I’ll get that in a second, but let me answer some emails first… then you tackle some tasks… a project or two… time passes and…

Finally, you remember! Someone is in my office! So you run up to say something and they’re gone.

They went with another agent.

Hard to believe?

What if I told you this happens every. single. day. in your database.

This is a daily reality in our industry… leads sit not contacted for an average of FOURTY-SEVEN HOURS… 47!!!!

Did you know that if you contact within 5 minutes you’re 391% MORE LIKELY to convert?

If I gave you those odds on a lead what would you do?

You’d contact every lead that came your way as soon as possible…


In today’s episode of All or Nothing in Real Estate we are going to walk you through everything you need to know about SPEED to LEAD.

✅ Getting to the lead faster than your competitors

✅ Having the right conversations and CONVERTING the lead

Let’s dive in.

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