Recruitment, like marketing, should be thought about every day.

In this episode of All or Nothing in Real Estate, Matt Smith breaks down his biggest takeaways from one best events he has ever been to: Cheplak LIVE Tahoe Mastermind.

Jon Cheplak, brought together top leaders in real estate from all over the world to share their best strategies, ideas, and insights about recruitment.

So when Matt tells us that this event is THE BEST? You know it’s gonna be good.

Learn what the top leaders are doing right now to grow their businesses.

✅ How investing in the right recruitment can make a huge difference in your bottom line

✅ The Million Dollar value each new agent can bring

✅ The 5 rules to be more attractive in recruiting

✅ How do people know you’re hiring

The day you look at recruitment as the cornerstone of your business will be the day you start to grow exponentially.

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